Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is actually news about games! (Actually I just watched X-Play on G4, but still!)

OK, what hit me was Halo: Reach. Looks good! But is it really the last Halo? Or just he last from Bungie? Anyway, Reach is a prequal where you play as one of the guys from something before the thing. I'm sorry, I'm not that into Halo... I'd rather be playing Left 4 Dead.

There was another game, too... Crackdown 2 I think. Anyway, they gave it a 4 out of 5, but having never played it before, I'm not so sure. From the sounds of it, it's mostly a copy of the first game. Worth the money? If you liked the first one, sure, but I personally wouldn't buy it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I can explain...

I feel kind of bad now. I almost never update here anymore. I haven't played many games lately, played FFXIII for about an hour. I was going, then I saved and noticed the time and date were wrong and after fixing it, I didn't feel like turning it back on.

Anyway, Anime Expo was what, last week? Anyway, IGN did a cosplay segment on it, and it's made me realize I've only been dabling in this world, since I don't know about half of the costumes. Still nice to look at though! Check it out here.

And whoa, has blogger changed for anyone? It feels different for me. (And yeah, I changed the blog name AGAIN. This one's probably going to stick though. Maybe.)