Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halo: Reach?!

(Most of this is based off what my friend Michael has told me, so bear with me!)

So I'm pretty sure if you're reading this right now, you know something about videogames. And if you know anything at all, you've heard of Halo: Reach, which came out on the 14th.

Apparently this game is the best thing since peanut butter. (Thumbs up if you get that reference.)

So the online community has basically exploded since Reach came out; everyone wants to play this game! And why not? Though not my favorite, Halo is still a pretty good series. And get this! It's the LAST Halo. What I had heard was "the last Halo by Bungie", but apparently they aren't selling the rights or anything. Just not making any more Halo games. Kind of sad, but they had to let it go sometime, I suppose.

Anyway, is this one worth it? I'd love to know, sounds like it is...

(Also, apparently if you pre-order games at Best Buy, you get a $20 gift card. Guess it doesn't count after the game has come out, though.....)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


So I started to watch FMA: Brotherhood today. First thing out of my mouth was "AL YOUR VOICE!"

Aaron Dismuke, that cutie patutie who voiced Al through the entire first series and movie? Puberty. No more Al.

Know who it is now?


This is worse than the time I found out Ash Ketchum was ALWAYS voiced by a woman.

Sorry Al, I just can't take you seriously anymore. D:

RIP Al Voice
We miss you!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is actually news about games! (Actually I just watched X-Play on G4, but still!)

OK, what hit me was Halo: Reach. Looks good! But is it really the last Halo? Or just he last from Bungie? Anyway, Reach is a prequal where you play as one of the guys from something before the thing. I'm sorry, I'm not that into Halo... I'd rather be playing Left 4 Dead.

There was another game, too... Crackdown 2 I think. Anyway, they gave it a 4 out of 5, but having never played it before, I'm not so sure. From the sounds of it, it's mostly a copy of the first game. Worth the money? If you liked the first one, sure, but I personally wouldn't buy it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I can explain...

I feel kind of bad now. I almost never update here anymore. I haven't played many games lately, played FFXIII for about an hour. I was going, then I saved and noticed the time and date were wrong and after fixing it, I didn't feel like turning it back on.

Anyway, Anime Expo was what, last week? Anyway, IGN did a cosplay segment on it, and it's made me realize I've only been dabling in this world, since I don't know about half of the costumes. Still nice to look at though! Check it out here.

And whoa, has blogger changed for anyone? It feels different for me. (And yeah, I changed the blog name AGAIN. This one's probably going to stick though. Maybe.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy E3!

It's that time of year again! (Which is actually a bit earlier than last year, if I remember right.) E3 has come and gone, sadly, all too soon. I'm not going to fool around searching for stuff, so here's what I remember most.

Nintendo really threw down this year. They unveiled the 3DS, proving that there are more variations to the DS system than flavors at Baskin Robins. This one might be good though, with the 3D graphics. I don't know specifics, but supposedly it's 3D without the glasses, which may or may not work out for them. But more importantly, what do they preview with the 3DS? A new Kid Icarus! It's about time angel boy got some respect again. Another downside, though, is that the game looks like it's only going to be on the 3DS, not compatible with the older DS systems. I would love to play the game, but I'm not going to buy an entirely new system for it when I've got one remarkably similar that still works fine. I was also really excited about the new Zelda game. Sure, it looks pretty good (graphics could've been better) but I noticed a little lag on the Wii, which could majorly affect the game.

Probably what I'm most excited about is the Metal Gear Solid: Rising game. If you watch the trailer, you know what I'm talkin about. That watermelon didn't stand a chance. Secondly would be Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. A continuation to ACII (which had a total WTF ending), Ezio is now, unfortunately, old. Oldish. Actually not really that old. Vic Mignogna is 47 and he's still hot. Anyway, this looks like it'll be well worth the wait due to a new multiplayer mode. Female assassins! Power to the women! Although without X-Box Live (or PSN, whichever one you're on) the multiplayer would probably be a LOT harder to appreciate.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yeah, you read that right! Steam's now in cahoots with Mac, so to celebrate, you can download Portal for the low low price of FREE for Mac or PC! Check that out here.

I gotta tell you, though, it'll take about an hour or so to download, and I'm on DSL, so I pity tha fool with dial-up. Other things include having to install the Steam program and some drivers, which isn't much, and making an actual account with Steam, also not much. In other words, they'll make you work a bit for it, if nothing else. I gotta check my computer over, though, since I can pull up the game, get to the Valve logo screen, and it'll crash. I'm more of a software person so I have no idea if I'm missing RAM or something. You do however, need DirectX 9 for it to work, so go update if you ain't got it.

Still can't get Portal? Here's one of my favorite things on the internet: Flash Portal! Go to a website called to get it past a blocking program, such as when you're at school. There are also a lot of other cool games there, like both the Impossible Quizzes, Super Mario Bros., and Tetris! Happy gaming, y'all!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Zombies Saved My (Gaming) Life!

I recently came into a copy of Left 4 Dead 2, via my brother. I just have to say...


Yes, L4D made me remember why I love sitting at home for hours on end in front of the TV with my 360. Unfortunately, those hours on end are more like an hour and a half right now since I've got a cold. But some's better than none, right?

Basically if you've played Halo, you can play L4D. It's actually kind of the same, only with zombies instead of aliens. Why doesn't Halo give me the same satisfaction? Don't ask me, I'm mildly insane like that. I mean, even Final Fantasy was having it's downfalls. For some reason, there's something about some of my games that made me not want to play.

Hey, y'know what? I feel like I'm talking too much when I could be killing zombies or watching cartoon ninjas. Happy gaming!