Saturday, May 1, 2010

Zombies Saved My (Gaming) Life!

I recently came into a copy of Left 4 Dead 2, via my brother. I just have to say...


Yes, L4D made me remember why I love sitting at home for hours on end in front of the TV with my 360. Unfortunately, those hours on end are more like an hour and a half right now since I've got a cold. But some's better than none, right?

Basically if you've played Halo, you can play L4D. It's actually kind of the same, only with zombies instead of aliens. Why doesn't Halo give me the same satisfaction? Don't ask me, I'm mildly insane like that. I mean, even Final Fantasy was having it's downfalls. For some reason, there's something about some of my games that made me not want to play.

Hey, y'know what? I feel like I'm talking too much when I could be killing zombies or watching cartoon ninjas. Happy gaming!

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