Saturday, August 29, 2009

VII vs. VIII??

Yeah, this is old stuff (especially after talking about Batman earlier) but you have to think, was Final Fantasy VII or VIII better?? VII was THE FF game and it probably was hard for Square to come back with a game just as good. I thought VIII was better than VII after only playing to the 2nd disk... But I could be a sap for love stories. Crap, there's that pesky estrogen again.

Final Fantasy VII follows the story of Cloud Strife as he tries to figure out where he's been for the past seven years and how to fix his future. You start out blowing up Mako reactors in the town of Midgar and eventually get out to stop the bad guy, Sephiroth, from destroying the rest of the world. (Along the way, you can make Cloud fall in love with Barret, Yuffie, Aerith/Aeris, or Tifa. Just something random and pointless I thought I'd throw in. Aerith gets killed though. SPOILER!!) Anyway, you -- obviously -- kill Sephiroth in the end but not before he's summoned this giant hunk of black magic that's now coming to kill the planet. (Sure, that's a bit off, but I haven't played this game in a while.) Know how it ends? It doesn't. The epilogue takes place 500 years later. I was so disappointed in the ending, I cried and experienced emotionall scarring with slight loss of sanity. I didn't recover until I watch Advent Children the next day.

Final Fantasy VIII is about Squall Leonhart and his friends who all end up with amnesia, a common ailment in the FF world. Yeah, that's about all I know since my game broke on the second disk. Trust me, it's good, but it is hard. The only reason I got so far in it so quickly is because I didn't know where the map was and I wondered around for about an hour, forcing me to level up. If it works it works, I guess.

I know a ton of people who despise VIII with a passion, but have they given the story a try? I think it's pretty interesting, as is the story in VII. Really, I can't say a thing on VIII since I can't finish it, but I'm not really complaining since VII was so good. So the question is, FF VIII or VII??

Batman gets a World Record??

Yup, just heard it from IGN -- Batman: Arkam Asylum was so good, they had to tell Guinness about it. Here's a montage of the game, a preview, and the news itself.

I'm no Batman fan, but hey, I gotta admit, it looks as good as they say it is. And it's out now, too!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

FFXIII Update!!

Sweetness! FFXIII is almost finished for the 360 and will be on 3 disks. Ahh, it will remind me of the good old days when nothing was on just one disk. FFVII anyone?

Another game I just heard about was one called Avatar. I don't know about anyone else, but I was expecting that cartoon that used to be on Nick that my mom loved to watch (is that weird?). Obviously, that isn't what this is, but it looks awesome. Apparently it's going to be a movie, too.

Last one is another exciting one for me -- a first look at Start Wars: The Old Republic. May the force be with you!!

--Here's the IGN version. It's a lot better than mine.--

Now this part isn't video game related, but word should get out about this. This guy, Bobby Joe Blythe, is/was a karate, or something similar to it, instructor. In 1984 he filmed one of his students attack and kill a mentally handicapped person. The video was uploaded recently and taken down but not before making it's way around the internet. I want to know what kind of person stands by and watches this happen. Here's the video and a bit more about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


YES! It finally happened -- The PS3 got a price drop to $299!! Oh, yeah, and the Slim came out. I'm definitely more excited about the fact that I only have to save 300 bucks now instead of 400. Check out the IGNness here.

Seriously important question: PS3 or 360? I don't want none of that 'ooohh ps3 sux 360 ftw'. Fanboy crap, you know? I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me. There are fan girls out there, too, however small we may be. We have to stick together!

Hannah Montana PSP = Offensive??

I don't know about you, but one of the commercials that gets on my nerves the most is that PSP commercial where this chick is on the bus, at school, etc., playing this little Hannah Montana music game on a purple PSP. A) This girl has obviously NEVER played a video game in her life, and B) If they let you bring a PSP to school, I would be the first one to know... Plus the music in general makes me want to scrape my ears off the sides of my head. Yes, I am another one of those people sick and tired of her.

Not that I'm hatin' on the PSP or anything (I personally LOVE Sony); I've seen the new one here, and it's so awesome I might actually look into getting one. Anyway, the PSP comes in black, silver, and now purple, but only if you buy the $200 pack with a cruddy little Guitar Hero/Sims/whateverthecraptheythoughtof rip-off that you'll probably only play until you get a REAL game (like this one). They've even bumped up the interest factor by not calling it "purple", oh heavens no, it's "lilac". Sure, I think a purple PSP is kind of cool. I mean how often do the make systems in colors that aren't black or white? Plus I am a bit of a sucker for anything purple... But I would never put up with the shame of owning a Hannah Montana game just to get it. Basically all this would appeal to would be 12 and under little girls (or maybe gay guys... No offence or anything.)

This video right here is what got me started on all this. I think it makes a lot of good points. How 'bout we stop making games for girls and stop making games for guys and just make games for everybody? Technically, I'm not too offended by the PSP (been around too many guys, startin' to think I am one, I guess) but some people might be. My question (kind of for girls... Or you non-straight men if you want. Are you like little people and prefer to be called something? Heck, I don't know) is, Are you offended by the more female-geared games? I kind of am, 'cause all the girly games suck. And I mean ALL of them SUCK suck. They double suck. All of them.