Saturday, August 29, 2009

VII vs. VIII??

Yeah, this is old stuff (especially after talking about Batman earlier) but you have to think, was Final Fantasy VII or VIII better?? VII was THE FF game and it probably was hard for Square to come back with a game just as good. I thought VIII was better than VII after only playing to the 2nd disk... But I could be a sap for love stories. Crap, there's that pesky estrogen again.

Final Fantasy VII follows the story of Cloud Strife as he tries to figure out where he's been for the past seven years and how to fix his future. You start out blowing up Mako reactors in the town of Midgar and eventually get out to stop the bad guy, Sephiroth, from destroying the rest of the world. (Along the way, you can make Cloud fall in love with Barret, Yuffie, Aerith/Aeris, or Tifa. Just something random and pointless I thought I'd throw in. Aerith gets killed though. SPOILER!!) Anyway, you -- obviously -- kill Sephiroth in the end but not before he's summoned this giant hunk of black magic that's now coming to kill the planet. (Sure, that's a bit off, but I haven't played this game in a while.) Know how it ends? It doesn't. The epilogue takes place 500 years later. I was so disappointed in the ending, I cried and experienced emotionall scarring with slight loss of sanity. I didn't recover until I watch Advent Children the next day.

Final Fantasy VIII is about Squall Leonhart and his friends who all end up with amnesia, a common ailment in the FF world. Yeah, that's about all I know since my game broke on the second disk. Trust me, it's good, but it is hard. The only reason I got so far in it so quickly is because I didn't know where the map was and I wondered around for about an hour, forcing me to level up. If it works it works, I guess.

I know a ton of people who despise VIII with a passion, but have they given the story a try? I think it's pretty interesting, as is the story in VII. Really, I can't say a thing on VIII since I can't finish it, but I'm not really complaining since VII was so good. So the question is, FF VIII or VII??

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