Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beatles Rock Band!!

Yes, it finally happened! The Beatles, no, THE Beatles, finally got their own game, and it came out today! Plus I'm actually speaking from experience this time since I actually have the game. Since it's close enough to my birthday, my parents went ahead and gave me my 360. Best. Birthday. EVER!!!

If you even remotely like the Beatles, you'll probably like this game. I used to be real big on them before I hit the hard rock stage, but I knew enough of their work to know some songs on there. And this one's just Beatles. You won't find any Kinks, Konks, Monkeys, or any other 60's group on there. All Beatles. All the time. Plus it's nice to play a music game with a guitar with no lag or sticky buttons. And my star power works again!! I'm tellin ya, my PS2 guitar was some kind of messed up.

One thing I like about his game is all the things it used to stay true to the Beatles theme. You can unlock pictures of when they were on tour and the career mode follows their actual career. The graphics range from playing on stage to trippy acid-inspired dream worlds since playing in a recording studio would've been too boring. Have you seen I Am The Walrus? Go look that up on YouTube. My dad likes the game too, but he grew up with the music... I think it's neat to hear it from his perspective though. Plus my parents don't complain about how loud or repetitive it is like the other Guitar Heros I've played.

The Beatles are a classic thing. If you don't like them, you won't like the game. I guess it's part of the generation gap, but hopefully this game can close that up a bit.

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