Saturday, November 28, 2009

Crisis Core .:Continued:.

I am watching this clip right now... And do not appreciate all the details that went into Jenova. Mainly the eyeball on her boob. It's making me sad to watch Zack in action again, but I'm checking to make sure it's got the thing I mentioned on #4 of the hate list (and it does). Ya'll better love me for going through the torment.

Y'know, I just thought of something. Fighting Sephiroth in Dissidia is like, "12 feet of terror" (Yeah, you could probably put a sex joke in that), but if you're fighting using him, it's more like "MASAMUNE FTW!" Definitely my top 3 characters in that game are Terra, Zidane, and Sephiroth... But Cloud's alternate outfit is pretty dang sexy. NO, I didn't just say that. The inner fangirl is taking over. Her name's Barbara.

That was so random.

I really gotta learn Japanese. And Latin, so I know what the heck One-Winged Angel is saying. I look it up, but always forget. Something about hate and terror and destruction and other adjectives that describe terrorists and natural disasters, all followed by "SE-PHI-ROTH!"

Haha, yeah, gotta keep with that T rating, the whole no blood thing. Sephiroth AND Cloud were skewered with razor-sharp swords, but do they bleed? Noooo. This is giving a bad example to children. I can see it now...
Kid #1: Ahh! You just stabbed me in the heart with a butter knife! (Tonberry reference, anyone?)
Kid #2: That's OK. I saw it in Final Fantasy. You won't even bleed!
... Was it just me, or was that very morbid?
Aww, and I just love this part. You can really tell Cloud cares about Tifa. It just warms my heart... Then crushes it when he gets thrown around like a helpless slice of ham on a toothpick.

OK, Seph, dude, if you're trying to save your mommy or whatever, why slice off her head? That would not be my first idea. And lovely guttural noises, Cloud. I know you just got stabbed in the diaphragm and all, but really? It's like when you're in battle and you beat an enemy, it kind of sounds like it farts when it dies. And also, even though he just got a huge sword stuck through his ribs, how does Cloud throw Sephiroth all over the place? I would not be able to do that. I wouldn't even think of that. Then again, I'm not a Final Fantasy character or one of their programmers.

Oh, yeah, just walk it off Cloud. You only had your upper intestines carved out by the "sharpest sword ever." Be a MAY-UN! Oh, look, he fell over. My bad.

Uhhgg, Hojo. Frickin' hate that guy. I felt the need to throw my hatred out there. And yeah, the video is in Japanese. I already know what it says (nevermind the fact that I can't remember it...) but it was the first one I clicked on, so go ahead and watch it. My lovely commentary should be enough explanation for you. Speaking of which, I had a lot of fun with this...

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