Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ahh frick

Blogger's being gay because I pre-typed my FF countdown and everything's appearing underneath the new posts. Just scroll.....


Monday, February 22, 2010

...... FFXIII news?!

Yup, leave it to me to ruin things for myself. So I finally got on IGN a couple days ago and y'know what I saw? A FFXIII article. So I said, "OK, let's see what they've got going here, I deserve a little sneak preview." (I've promised myself I wasn't gonna spoil the story like all my other FFs.) And y'know what I found out? XIII will have no towns to visit. In the words of my aunt's nephew, "What faggotry is this?!" Screwing with FF will be Square/Sony's downfall.

Well I just got home from the doctor's, which is the worst place you can send me. I feel like crap, so this is it. Come back in a couple days, we'll be starting the 12 day countdown...


Saturday, February 13, 2010

12DoFF: Twelve Mischievous Sky Pirates...

•Fun Fact: XII is the first regular FF not to have a screen change when you go into battle (and is my favorite of the series so far)•

I. Love. This. Game. The story reminds me of Star Wars (Also, did you know FFVIII is the FF with the most Star Wars references?), there are no seriously sucky characters (don't care much for Vaan, though; Reks was cuter), and you can set up their stats any way you want. What's more, the game pretty much plays itself once you get gambits set up right. However, that does remind me of a Penny Arcade comic... I no longer look at his game the same way. But only when I think about it...

In a nutshell, buy this game. You need it. I need it. We all need it, whether we know it or not. "In time you will learn, Young Grasshoppa."

Also, XII has a sequel, too: Revenant Wings (DS). It's OK, a bit busy on the screen, though. I like Penelo and Shiva's new look, it suits them.

Have fun with your new crack-n-apples addiction to XIII tomorrow :)

12DoFF: Eleven Crashing Servers...

•Fun Fact: XI is the first MMORPG from Final Fantasy (as if you didn't already know this)•

I haven't played the game myself (stupid pay-to-play) but I've seen it being played at a friend's house, and it's actually pretty neat. You get to name your character, pick which race they are, and pick their job class, then you go out and play along with other people. I've always wanted to play this game just so I can have my very own White Mage...

Yeah, well, like any online game, there are tons of expansion packs, so getting the whole thing will run your wallet dry, not to mention the console's fees and the $12-$15 per month is costs to play. Is it like WoW? I don't know, I haven't played it either.

12DoFF: Ten Magic Aeons...

•Fun Fact: X is the first FF to have a sequel, Final Fantasy X-2•

This game was actually pretty popular, but hey, the PS2 was pretty dang popular. It's still going, ain't it? Oh well, back on topic. X follows Tidus (pronounced tea-dus) and Yuna as she follows the path to becoming a summoner to defeat a giant monster called Sin that has been plaguing the land of Spira.

A lot of things were good about this game, except one battle made me hate it for life. Stupid Seymour Flux should've died the first time I fought him!.... Hmm, I felt like I've mentioned this before. But really, it actually is an OK game. The ending made me want to cry more than Crisis Core. Either those people really know how to write a story or I just get too engrossed by these things.

X-2 isn't really that bad either. I think it's better than X, but I'm not stuck on 2. Aside from some new outfits ("Like OMG, where's the other half of my skirt?!") you get a new character (or seven) and can change job classes in the middle of a battle -- the best kind of battle system! Oh, and Tidus comes back, in case you didn't know. He's a whiny idiot, but Yuna loves him and that's what counts.

12DoFF: Nine Acting Monkies...

::Fun Fact: FF designers decided they'd plan their next three games as such -- one going back to the classic FF style (IX), one going to the PS2 (X), and one featuring online capabilities (XI)::

I need to play this game. Why? Well, Garnet reminds me of Selena Gomez, and she's one of the few Disney actors I still like. That and Zidane is pretty much my favorite character from Dissidia.

Actually, since they returned to the original cartoony style in this game, many fans thought it would be the last Final Fantasy. Of course they were wrong, but still, it's a scary thought... IX was the last FF for the PSX, but wasn't ported to the computer (otherwise I'd've played it already). I also feel that this is the FF with the most screwed up characters. Some are cute, others are just "What were they smoking when they designed this?"Story-wise, it's pretty cute. I don't remember much, but you know the drill. A lot of the designers said they wanted a sequal to IX more than any other FF, but it hasn't happened yet, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

P.S. - Kuja is a man. Just making sure you know.

12DoFF: Eight Amnesic Teenagers...

Fun Fact: FFVIII was the fastest selling FF game, but seemingly the most critically reviewed

"But soft! What light from yonder airship breaks? It is the east, and Rinoa is the sun!"
Yeah, Squall would never be that romantic. Such a stick in the mud...

Yup, VIII is a love story. Well, the whole story, you're trying to stop this witch from messing up time. Something like that, the copy we downloaded off the interwebs cut me off after the second disk. I miss it so.

Today's verse? Well, do you know who gets amnesia? EVERYONE. Also, it strikes me as odd that an 18-year-old is already a teacher. I have trouble seeing Quistis as everyone else's age, since teachers are all, y'know, old.

12DoFF: Seven Giant Swords...

Fun Fact: This was the first Final Fantasy to be on the PlayStation (instead of with Nintendo) and the first to use 3D graphics throughout the entire game

Yes, this is it! Ah, good old seven.... Brings back memories. If you don't know already, VII is the best selling FF (about 9.9 million copies), thus making it the most popular. The story follows Cloud Strife as you quest to stop Sephiroth from destroying the planet, and also to regain Cloud's true memories. Sounds bland here, but yeah, it's awesome.

And just why would you want to play a game that looks like Legos? Because it's awesome, that's why!! And I said so.

VII is also the FF with the most spin-offs. You've got Advent Children (movie/sequel -- GREAT animation), Dirge of Cerberus (sequel, focusing on Vincent), Crisis Core (prequel, tells Zack's story), and Before Crisis (Japanese cell phone game, focuses on Turks before CC). It's a lot to take in, I know. But Crisis Core will make you cry like a little baby, I swear.

If you want to play this game, TAKE MY ADVICE!!! Download a computer version of the game off Limewire or something, because if you order off Amazon you'll be paying around $200, and the guys at GameStop will point and laugh at you.

12DoFF: Six Naked Sirens...

Fun Fact: FFVI was released in North America as FFIII. (What were they thinking, switching them all around like that?) Several changes were made in the American game, including restrictions on nudity and profanity

I can't play this game. Have you seen Kefka? *shudders* Stupid clowns... Anyway, this one sticks out (as far as unplayed games go) because I remember Terra, all because she was an awesome fighter in Dissidia. I remember I read through the story one time, and the ending sounded pretty lame. But hey, make your own opinion.

12DoFF: Five Shiny Crystals!!!

Fun Fact: There was actually a Final Fantasy anime!... If you live in Japan. Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals is set 500 years after FFV and is considered a sequel to the game, but the show only lasted 4 episodes. We're not missing much

K, just from reading the start of this (haven't played it yet), the story is about some strangers who meet up and search for some crystals to try and save them from a guy named Exdeath who's obsessed with "the Void." Well, now I get all those void jokes I've heard, along with some of Dissidia... Yes, this one is short. :(

Read more here!

12DoFF: Four Crashing Airships...

Fun Fact: Final Fantasy IV was originally released as Final Fantasy II in America, but was returned to it's rightful place with the DS remake

Yes! I have actually played this one. Battle system's the classic turn-based, story's OK... You follow a knight named Cecil (pronounced seh-sill for some reason) as he and his friends... Umm.... Y'know I'm not real sure what they're trying to do. It might've helped if I'd finished the game.

The dialogue got screwed up in the translator, but it makes it so much funnier to read. "You spoony bard!" is the best line EVER. Because who doesn't love bards that spoon? ..... I know, I know, here's an explanation.

Monday, February 8, 2010

12DoFF: Three Munching Moogles...

Fun Fact: The real Final Fantasy III is the only FF that was never released outside of Japan. It was, however, later remade for the Nintendo DS

III was the first FF to introduce the experience point system, a job system, and moogles as well, if I remember correctly. Kupo! This is one of those where you can change jobs at will (my favorite kind of job system!) and you again have four Light Warriors. Also another generic "save the world" type thing, but then again, aren't they all?

Not ruining the story for myself since I haven't played it, but read all you want. The story/characters were kinda bland in the original Japan release, but it goes into so much more detail in the DS remake. Just goes to show you, good things come to those who wait.

And congrats if you get the reference in the title...

12DoFF: Two Tonberries...

Fun Fact: Tonberries didn't actually appear until Final Fantasy V... It just fit into the song. :)

Since this is the second day of FF, we are (naturally) talking about Final Fantasy II. Bear with me here, haven't played this one...

Well II was a real piece in FF history. It was much more story-oriented than the first, and also was the first to feature chocobos and a character named Cid. Oh, hey, I'm remembering some now! This is where you find Firion; I remember him from Dissidia. And did you know there was a character named Guy on there?

Well I tried just scanning over the plot, but I don't want to ruin any stories -- I intend on having played ALL these games one day. So here you go, read to your heart's content. :)

12DoFF: And some Light Warriors to save us!!

Yes, my dear friends, this is where it all started back in 1987 -- Final Fantasy! Fun fact time: Final Fantasy was named because the man who thought of it was about to leave the company, thus it was his "final" fantasy, but it became so popular, the name's stuck for 22 years. And I am proud to say that I have played this one!.... On PSP. But hey, it counts.

Now I haven't finished it, but basically it's your "world in danger, gotta save it" kinda game. You get four Light Warriors of classes you choose, and trek out to save, well, the entire world. Hmm... Sounds familiar.....

If you're a die-hard FF fan, I'd definitely recommend this game. However, I wouldn't really suggest it if you're a first time player. It'd introduce you to controls and basic battle speed, but the story lacks in a few places.

The 12 Days of Final Fantasy

As of right now, we are still 29 days from XIII, but if you're like me, you're ready for some FF action TODAY! Well once we get down to 12 days, I'll begin posting little bits and pieces about past Final Fantasies, and maybe a little preview stuff for the new one. Basically a this is a preview and a note to remind me to do this. Happy Gaming!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dante's Strip Club??

Finally!! Real news!! Uhhmmm, err, anyway....

You heard of Dante's Inferno before? It would make sense -- it's a poem turned video game. Basically you're following this guy (Dante, of course) as he travels through the layers of Hell to find his fiance/wife/girlfriend. Sure, I'll admit, it looks cool, and the idea behind it is pretty good, too. That's about where it stops, though.

What sticks out most is how they're really pushing the M rating here. There were so many boobs in that trailer, I felt bad for watching it. They say the control scheme is basically a rip of Devil May Cry, so if you've played DMC, you can play Dante. The color scheme was a bit lacking, too, but I thought it wasn't too bad. Plus you kill babies. Rabid, undead, babies!! C'mon, there's a point in everyone's life where you feel bad for something, and it'd have to be that.

Umm, yeah, well happy gaming people. I'm off to wish I had a copy of Halo 3, because that crap is addictive.
