Saturday, February 13, 2010

12DoFF: Seven Giant Swords...

Fun Fact: This was the first Final Fantasy to be on the PlayStation (instead of with Nintendo) and the first to use 3D graphics throughout the entire game

Yes, this is it! Ah, good old seven.... Brings back memories. If you don't know already, VII is the best selling FF (about 9.9 million copies), thus making it the most popular. The story follows Cloud Strife as you quest to stop Sephiroth from destroying the planet, and also to regain Cloud's true memories. Sounds bland here, but yeah, it's awesome.

And just why would you want to play a game that looks like Legos? Because it's awesome, that's why!! And I said so.

VII is also the FF with the most spin-offs. You've got Advent Children (movie/sequel -- GREAT animation), Dirge of Cerberus (sequel, focusing on Vincent), Crisis Core (prequel, tells Zack's story), and Before Crisis (Japanese cell phone game, focuses on Turks before CC). It's a lot to take in, I know. But Crisis Core will make you cry like a little baby, I swear.

If you want to play this game, TAKE MY ADVICE!!! Download a computer version of the game off Limewire or something, because if you order off Amazon you'll be paying around $200, and the guys at GameStop will point and laugh at you.

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